Everything You Need ❤️
To Build A Happy Life Together

The Wonder Club Membership is for all dog owners looking to build a deeper bond and understanding with their canine companion. This is not a dog training club, this is more than that. It is a comprehensive program to help you truly understand your dog's behaviour, needs, and motivations.

  • Live coaching without breaking the bank
  • Personalised solutions to correct behaviour problems
  • Treat sized training you can easily consume and implement

Join The Club

Hello I'm Louise Glazebrook, a dog behaviour expert with over 10 years of experience helping owners understand and train their dogs.

In my club I’ve made it so that everything is bite sized chunks, a mix of PDF, audio and video clips. You can watch as little or as much as you like. You can join the lives or watch them back - literally, the choice is yours.

I made it like this because I once tried joining a club and I left within the week, as it felt like climbing a mountain. It didn’t feel helpful or for me, it felt long winded and clunky.

So I vowed that when I set up my own club, I would make it real life (you WILL see me looking my worst, seeing my mistakes, when things go wrong and even before my neuro surgery when I was honestly struggling with life) BUT because of this, it means I’ve made the club so you can dip in and dip out, you can watch only what applies to you. You can submit your own questions and you can become known to me so that I know your breed and your dog’s situation.

Louise is like our fairy dog mother, I started following her after seeing some of her puppy TV shows. This provided us so much knowledge and instantly had an impact on our puppy's life. There is so much bad information out there it can be hard to work through the minefield but I 100% trust Louise and I only wish the PWC was available from day 1!
Joanna xo

I want you to be a part of my life and
I want your dog to benefit from all the knowledge I have.

Need to understand allergies, itchiness and nutrition I’ve got you
Want to make sure pain isn’t impacting your dog? - I’ve got you
Looking for fun ways to play when you are too tired - yep me too, I’ve made the games for you
Want to make sure you only buy decent treats and food - I’ll give you my lists
Looking to gain more focus and attention from your dog - I’ll show you how
Wish you could understand a behaviour - send the video in and I’ll decode it
Trying to build your dog’s confidence - I’ll give you the tools

What Is Included In This Membership Program?


Personalised Live Virtual Coaching

Each month there are two different types of live coaching and training from me to address specific issues and questions you have with your dog

  • Every month I go through 3 behaviour videos submitted by members and decode them
  • Monthly live sessions with me - you can ask away and if you can’t make it, it is recorded for you
  • Join from the comfort of your home or anywhere on the go

Join The Club View A Sample Behaviour Decode


"Treat" Size Training Vault

With a variety of PDF, video and audio files - everything is bite sized. You can dip in and out as you need to. The whole point is that you join and stick around because as our dog journey changes what we need to access changes, we have members who have been a part of the club for nearing 2yrs from when we first launched - how incredible is that? And it shows that I’m here for the journey, not for a quick fix.

  • New content added each month

Join The Club


Full Access To Current & Future
Breed Specific Masterclasses

Taken from my direct interaction and working with my clients for the past 10 years, these master classes will help you master specific dog breeds.

  • Anyone considering specific breeds and want to learn how to pick the perfect match
  • Existing breed owners looking to become the leader of the pack
  • Mixed breed owners who are trying to conquer behaviour traits their dog may have

Join The Club

And That's Just The Beginning
Check Out These Additional Member Perks

Recommendations on products, toys, treats and you will be shown how to use them and most importantly when and why

Gain access to the private IG group where I do adhoc Q&A sessions on specific topics, recently we have covered

Expert content alongside me about pain, nutrition, feeding, inflammation, itchiness, the muscular system, using muzzles and so much more

Real life training scenarios, nothing is filmed in a studio, set up or pre-trained. You will also get to see when sessions go wrong, those are included too!

“’We've been a member of PWC for a few months now and it’s been a complete game changer for us.Teddy our 16 month PRT was hyper active and dog reactive. After using the information in all the videos and advice from the Live Q&A's
he is now a completely different dog.”

Keely xo

Become A Wonder Club Member And
Get Everything You Need 🐶
To Build A Happy Life Together

Join at any point in your dog’s journey, it is suitable for puppies, adult dogs, rescue dogs and senior dogs.


£450 / yr
Save £90


£45 / mo






What's the best thing about The Wonder Club?
Continual ability to have access to material to aid training. Brilliant it’s been a game changer for us.

Having access to the Q&A's alone makes it worth it.


Frequently Asked Questions

For any dog aged 8wks upwards. We have members with teeny puppies, teenagers, adult dogs, rescue dogs and senior dogs. The common reason why owners join is that they want to do the best by their dog or puppy, age is irrelevant.

Yes indeed, you can join the monthly live Q&A session, the monthly training and behaviour session AND you get the option to submit your own videos for Louise to look at and decode. Three member’s videos are chosen each month and uploaded for everyone to learn from. 

All you need to be able to do is join Zoom for the live sessions. And save your log in to the club platform, then you can watch everything back at your own pace. Content is bite sized, or treat sized as we like to say, as no one has time to be spending hours online.

Nope it isn’t. This is far more. You can learn sits and downs anywhere. This is about resolving your dog’s issues because you understand what is going on. This is about knowing your dog so well, that you can make great decisions and gain great insight from all of Louise’s lessons and content. The club is for those who want tips, access to kind methods, behavioural help, reassurance and to gain more knowledge about their dog and why they do the things they do. 

Yes you can, you just need to email Kate on [email protected]

No you won’t. The Wonder Club is set up to be a constantly evolving and growing resource with new interviews, sessions, lives, products put up each month. So once you leave, you will not have access to everything any longer. 

New topics are being added all the time, as members give feedback about what they want and need. But to give you an idea it ranges from figuring out if your dog is in pain, choosing harnesses, sleep positions, how to stop your dog being distracted, understanding fear in your dog, games for when you are too tired to play to nutrition, understanding itchiness, discount codes and learning about behaviour postures. Plus all the live sessions held each month.

These are wide ranging topics, each one is 1hr in length, they are live and are recorded for replays. In the last few months we have worked on tugger for your breed and dog’s personality, understanding dog manners in the park, scavenging, foundations of recall and there is more to come as we do these every month!

Give it a try. You can cancel at any time. Our dogs trust our decisions, they trust what we feed them, how we walk them, play with them and more. So let me join you on that journey and help you make sure that all the things you are doing or want to do, are going to benefit you both and that you are not going to be creating problems that you need to try to solve later on. Let me join you on the journey of dog ownership and help you be incredible together. Stop looking things up on You Tube, it isn’t tailored to you, it’s not not tailored to your dog or their situation. Stop scrolling and join the club your dog wishes you would join. 

You can read or listen to my book - The Book Your Dog Wishes You Would Read

You can play my game - Teach Yourself Dog

You can watch previous episodes on the BBC of the TV shows I’ve been in.

You can read the press articles I’ve written and you can read my free blog on my website.

Why You Should Join
The Wonder Club

This is not a dog training club, this is more than that. There are plenty of people out there telling you how to teach a sit and a down. This club will change your life with your dog because you will learn to understand your dog, why they are doing something, what they need, how to work with your dog rather than against them, how to fulfil your dog, how to build a life together built on love, understanding and advocating.

  • Three Live coaching sessions from me each month
  • Access to the growing library of training content
  • Breed Masterclasses also included (Bonus Value £245)
  • Pause or Cancel your membership at anytime

Monthy Membership £45 / mo Annual £450 / yr